Everyone is Welcome House of Light Church is known as a caring, friendly congregation. Our atmosphere is warm and welcoming. Our people are approachable and non-judgmental. Our focus is relationship, not religion. You don’t have to have it all together to worship with us. We are not perfect and…

Mission The House of Light Church is founded upon Matthew 5:16. Our fellowship strives to minister in a non-judgmental, non-traditional, non-segregated manner that leads members out of darkness into Christ’s beautiful light. We do this by actively guiding people to achieve their best lives by making positive changes in body,…

KEN J. GORDON, JR. KEN J. GORDON, JR., or Pastor Ken, as he is known by his members, is a pastor, best-selling author, business executive, husband, father, and community leader, whose entire life has been dedicated to the service of others. Pastor Ken, who was licensed, ordained, and…

† Lord I present my tithes and offering to your storehouse as a gift of obedience, praise, and love; † Because of my obedience, I challenge you, according to your Word, to throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out blessings I will not have room enough to receive….