Lord I present my tithes and offering to your storehouse as a gift of obedience, praise, and love;

Because of my obedience, I challenge you, according to your Word, to throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out blessings I will not have room enough to receive.

I have confidence you will bless the giving of my tithes and offering and rebuke the devourer, for my sake.

According to your Word, my household will be filled with plenty and my cupboards will overflow.

According to your Word, by giving my tithes, I make you my provider and my protector.

According to your Word, by giving my tithes, I become a participant in the building of your Kingdom and a recipient of the promises and divine blessings reserved for those who give their first fruits.

This confession is rooted in the Word of God and it is my faith at work, through my giving. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



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